Incursion: InfluxDB for Developers

Release v0.4.0.

Incursion is an MIT Licensed InfluxDB client, written in Python, for developers.

The existing InfluxDB python client is great. This client is built on that but many python developers have come to expect a programmatic method for building queries on top of a raw unstructured query interface.

Incursion was built to bring a new pattern to your InfluxDB Queries.


  • Query Builder Pattern
  • Continuous Query Planner
  • Lots of tests
  • Safety first (all queries have a limit unless explicitly turned off)
  • Ready for contributors (seriously, this should be a community project)


pip install incursion

You may also use Git to clone the repository from Github and install it manually:

git clone
python install

Quick Start

Incursion aims to be an easy-to-use Python client for InfluxDB.

import incursion as indb

q = indb.q('page_views')
q = q.columns(indb.count(indb.distinct('author_id')), 'author_id')
q = q.group_by(indb.time('1h'))
q = q.where(category__matches=indb.regex('/(10|11)/'))
from, to = (datetime(2014, 10, 20), datetime(2014, 10, 21))
q = q.where(time__gt=from, time__lt=to)
q = q.fill(0)
q = q.limit(None)

resp = indb.get_result(q)

assert resp['page_views'] # The response is a dict

print '%(14)s %(6)s %(2)s' % ('time', 'count', 'id')
for row in resp['page_views']:
  print '%(-14)s %(-6)s %(-2)s' % (row.time, row.count, row.author_id)

# time          count id
# 1413908730239 10    1
# 1413908730239 8     2
# ...


Indices and tables